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Cooking with Cannabis

This probably wasn’t the summer you had in mind. We know for us here at the store, there has been much less international travel, and much more time spent attempting to make sourdough, than we had been expecting. And, judging by the number of our customers who have recently asked us about cooking with cannabis, it seems bread is not the only kind of baking being attempted to pass the time. Because of that interest, we figured now would be a good time to give a quick primer on cooking with cannabis, should anyone be planning one last camping or cottage getaway before fall comes, or if you are looking for ways to make a weekend afternoon a little more enjoyable

Is Vaping Safe?

Is Vaping Safe?

In combusting cannabis, we heat THC, CBD and terpenes so the molecules can hitch a ride into your lungs and blood alongside oxygen. The molecules course alongside oxygenated blood until the cannabinoids diverge, locking into receptors distributed throughout your body as part of your endocannabinoid system. When lock clicks into key, you begin to feel high…. Click here to read the entire piece!