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Meet Muse’s Trailblazers

Walk into any Muse location and chances are, if you have a question about cannabis or a new product, a woman will have the answers because most of Muse’s stores are run by women. In 2022 this should not be noteworthy — it should be the norm. But as legal cannabis is still a budding industry, one of its major growing pains is a lack of gender and racial diversity. According to a 2020 study from the University of Toronto, it’s still very male and pale in senior leadership positions in Canadian cannabis companies with just 14% of women holding executive leadership positions. Let’s be blunt: this has to change in order for the industry to keep growing. 

The good news is that the cannabis retail landscape has started to shift and stores are slowly starting to reflect their customer bases. We know that representation matters and more gender diversity in cannabis retail is something to celebrate, especially on International Women’s Day. On that note, let’s get to know some of Muse’s trailblazers. 

Serena Deorkson, Manager, Muse West End 

Serena Deorkson, Manager, Muse West End

Q: What do you love about working in cannabis? 

A: I really don't see myself doing anything else! This May marks my seven year anniversary working in the cannabis industry and it still holds a very special place in my heart. Initially, I had applied to a grey market dispensary because I just needed a job but I've stayed with it this long due to the level of compassion and understanding I've found with employers and coworkers in this industry. It's a place where I've been able to learn and grow with the industry itself and has helped make me into the professional that I am today. Another thing I love is that everybody coming to shop in the store is in a friendly and cheerful mood — I mean, who doesn't love weed?!


Q: Is the industry male dominated — if so, why and what needs to change?

A: The cannabis industry has been male dominated since its inception and continues to be largely dominated by middle-aged white males. The illegality of cannabis may have been a contributing factor for this. Moving forward with the legal industry, I believe that it's important to include more women, non-binary and POC in cannabis businesses from the ground up. Making an effort to do this shows that these businesses care about diversity and find value in the shared experiences of these groups of people. 


Q: Favourite food? 

A: I love Japanese cuisine and my favourite dish is sushi. If there is one food that I could eat for every meal every day, it would be sushi!


Q: Favourite song? 

A: There's too many to name! Right now though, I'm really enjoying the song Wanting, Getting, Wanting by Demondice. 


Q: Favourite cannabis product right now?

A: There's never a wrong time for Lee Anne Womac by Blkmkt. This is my go-to strain for increasing my stamina while playing Dance Dance Revolution :) 


Q: If you could host a dinner with 3 people (living or not) who would they be?  

A: I'd love to pick the brains of the people I'm most inspired by, namely some of my favourite musicians (Demondice, Ashnikko, Mori Calliope). 

Julie Stevens, Assistant Manager, Muse South Granville 


Q: What do you love about working in cannabis?

A:  I've been in the industry since 2016 and I'd have to say my favourite part about it is the sense of community I've experienced at every job I've been at with the guests. It's also been amazing to watch the industry grow in Vancouver. 


Q: Is the industry male dominated  — if so, why and what needs to change?

A:  If this was 5 years ago I would say yes but I've noticed quite a difference in the industry since legalization which makes me happy. 


Q: Favourite food? 

A: I am always down for spaghetti and meatballs. Don't forget the garlic bread too.


Q: Favourite song?

A: Love Tonight by Shouse. Aye aye aye


Q: Favourite cannabis product right now?

A: 1964 got me good with their Island Rockstar. Nice work. 


Q: If you could host a dinner with 3 people (living or not) who would they be? 

A: Taylor Swift... everyone else can stay home. ;)

Nicole Sekiya, Regional Manager 

Q: What do you love about working in cannabis?

A:  I had tried the 9-5 desk job path and while I’m thankful for what I learned, working in cannabis with Muse has been a culmination of so much of what I love to do. I love to be in a service role, and as the Regional Manager I am lucky enough to serve our guests and the wonderful people we work with. I have been witness to the myriad of ways that cannabis has improved people's lives during these extremely challenging, world history moments. Being able to share this beautiful plant with our communities is something I’m proud to be doing. 


Q: Is the industry male dominated  — if so, why and what needs to change?

A:  I can’t think of an industry that isn’t male-dominated at this point but I’ve been able to meet some amazing women throughout my time in the industry. I’m proud that a majority of our managers are women here at Muse because I think that’s how things change. By giving importance to equality, we can ensure that we’re representing our communities. To look ahead, we can also champion change by ensuring that non-binary folks and POC are being given equal access to these kind of opportunities as well. 

Q: Favourite food? 

A: I have a weakness for Mexican food but my favourite is Tako which does a Mexican-Korean fusion. Their bulgogi burrito is a perfect mashup. 


Q: Favourite song?

A: I could pretend to be cool, but “Into You” by Ariana Grande shows up on my Spotify Wrapped every year. That beat just works for me! However, “Back to Black” by Amy Winehouse is a close second - I even have a tattoo of some of the lyrics from the song.

Q: Favourite cannabis product right now?

A: I have repurchased so many eighths of the Orange Tingz by Pistol and Paris it’s almost embarrassing. I was also impressed how they helped out the community during the devastating BC floods last yea

Q: If you could host a dinner with 3 people (living or not) who would they be? 

A:  It’d be a strange combo but my Gran who passed away in 2012, Audrey Hepburn, and the very much alive Sandra Oh.